The Bioeconomy Cluster Development Team (BCDT) at the Biorenewables Development Centre (BDC) is celebrating the delivery of a pilot programme of business support, funded by Anglo American, to help 10 businesses to develop their products and processes. Each business received two days of funded support plus a grant of £1500.

The BDC has helped hundreds of businesses working in the bioeconomy to date, with a wide range of projects and the BCDT Manager, Alice North was delighted to partner with Anglo American to enable even more businesses to benefit from their assistance.
Alice said: “In order to combat climate change, we are all going to need to transition towards a bioeconomy, using renewable resources to make the things we need in our everyday lives.
“Having identified so many fantastic bioeconomy businesses working in the Scarborough District through our work with Anglo American to date, we are incredibly pleased to be partnering with them to further help these businesses and deliver ten bespoke projects that can make a real difference.”
The 10 businesses that took part in the pilot programme are:
Bayview Bees – a producer of raw Yorkshire honey as well as a provider of bee keeping courses and equipment.
Eartha Underwear – manufacturer and seller of underwear made from innovative and biodegradable materials.
Fortunes Kippers – seller of award winning traditionally smoked kippers for over 149 years.
Journey Blue – seller of products made from materials seen as waste sourced from the seas.
Nature’s Laboratory – developer of sustainable and effective natural medicines including plant medicines, bee medicines and skincare.
Raincliffe Wood Community Enterprise – a social enterprise that offers training, education and mentoring.
Whitby Brewery – local, craft brewery that also offers tours and hosts events throughout the year.
Whitby Distillery – offer unique tours to give visitors a chance to discover how they craft their award-winning spirits.
Whitby Sea Salt – is a family-run business using environmentally friendly methods of crafting sea salt.
Yoghurt Delights – make a ‘healthy alternative’ to ice cream that is low in calories and tastes delicious.
Find out more about how the businesses were supported be downloading the full report below:
A significant legacy of the pilot programme has been the development of a business community and increase in collaborative working within the local area. Together the businesses involved, with the support of Anglo American and other businesses in the area, have developed the Made in Whitby brand. Watch a video about the first Made in Whitby Festival here.
The BDC and Anglo American are continuing to work together to support more regional bioeconomy entrepreneurs and businesses in the longer term. Read more about the new Business Mentorship Programme here.
Anglo American is also working with the University of York on the wider BioYorkshire initiative, showing their commitment to local and regional growth in bioeconomy and reduction in carbon.